Is it normal that as a white male I feel zero attraction towards white women? I cannot think about them in a sexual way. It almost feels like an incest to me, something unhealthy, that there is sexual relationship between a white male and a white female.

Every other ethnicity is fine for me – black, asian, latino, arab, indian… you name it, but for some reason I cannot feel attracted to white women whatsoever. This post is not meant as a bashing of white women by the way – guess I have some issue.

I somehow can understand why there are certain white women who, for example, date only black men, and wonder if that is for similar reasons as I experience in my case.

The problem is, I am in a region with predominantly white population. I would rank myself 7-8/10 in terms of overall attractiveness – there are women who would be considered quite attractive based on a conventional criteria that are interested in me – yet I am single as I am having a hard time to find someone attractive for myself. It kinda makes me upset as I would like to feel attracted to white women as otherwise my chances to find someone in the area I live in are somewhat low… does anyone of you have a similar problem? What can be my solution?

  1. I’ve heard this before from other white guys so I think it’s more normal than you think

  2. What is it about white women that you find so unattractive? You just don’t like the lightness of their skin and want it to be darker?

  3. Nah dude, everyone has preferences.

    Some white like white people.

    Some do not.

    It’s cool.

    Also, travel. Nearest city is a drive away? Can’t be that far. Go see shows, hit the bars.

    If it’s too far, move.

  4. Yea if you see every woman in the same race as you as your sister, that’s deff not normal.

  5. I’m white Canadian and grew up in a 99% white area. After going to university, I first realized what I was missing. While I’m still attracted to white women, I go for the Venezuelan / Thai / Hawaiian girl almost every time. There is some evidence from genetics that sexual preferences are based on the greatest chance of having the healthiest offspring. It may be hardwired into our caveman brain because you’re basically guaranteed to expand the gene pool and avoid birth defects of isolated communities.

  6. I used to have the same predicament as a white female. Went through a phase (lasting some years) of only being attracted to Asian men, occasionally other darker skinned ethnicities but NEVER white. I eventually met a white guy who changed that.

  7. We don’t choose what we are attracted to. So there is no blame or judgement on you. This is not a decision you made. And even if, there is nothing wrong with it. If you don’t like white women, it’s perfectly fine. Don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise.

  8. That’s weird, I am half white, half Asian. I am pretty much only attracted to white women, who I grew up with predominantly like you.

    But my theory is that I also am not attracted to Asian women because the only Asian woman I knew growing up was my mother. So there’s a weird thing where I kind of see every Asian woman as my mom.

    Preferences can be really weird but you don’t have to feel bad about them.

  9. Yes, I have met and spoken with other white men who are like this.

    It’s okay to have a preference quite frankly we all do one way or the other but make sure it comes from a genuine place.

  10. it genuinely doesn’t seem like a fetish thing since you’re not exclusively into one race. even if the incest mindset is weird, i don’t think this is a harmful or violent fetish. this does make me question if a white woman hurt you though.

  11. I’m a white woman in a similar situation. I’m pretty much only attracted to Asian men though and there definitely aren’t enough of them where I live

  12. I’ve met white dudes like this, typically they grew up in predominantly black and Latino neighborhoods.

  13. Yeah that’s very normal! Everyone has their own taste. For me, I love white guys. Especially older and construction type haha.

  14. It’s normal unless you consider yourself a dom too in which it raises questions

  15. I’m a white woman and I’m rarely ever attracted to white men. I’m bi, so weirdly, I find a lot of white women attractive, just not the men. I used to, when I lived in Europe, but since moving to North America there’s something the white men here that turns me off. I think a lot of it is actually cultural, and what I’m not into is the variations of white North American masculinity.

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