If your not attracted to someone why would you have sex with that person?

  1. Depending on situation say its 2 friends who are board.

    Some people also might not care too much for looks dispite not being attracted.

    And the other if not emotionally attracted then it’s just a release / fun between 2 people.

  2. Because some guys are just hoes and they’ll fuck anything they can put their dick in.

  3. Yea logically speaking men would just want sex or just release or name it what everyone want…. But still sometimes its a question that will not satisfy any woman who is attracted to the guy and the guy is not but still guy can get hard and enjoy! 🙄🙄🙄

  4. You’re lost in the desert for days on end and you happen upon a dirty pond of water. Would you drink from it or go on in the hopes that you’ll find something better?

  5. I’ve ploughed a squeeze I didn’t want to… her husband had walked out on her… and she threw herself at me… I thought the last thing she needs was more rejection

  6. I’ve had sex with someone because I’m attracted to her personality.

    I’ve also had sex with her cause I felt guilty. (Not advisable)

  7. To nut. It’s as simple as that.

    But you with guys there’s a hierarchy of attractiveness.

    There are women who a lot of guys wouldn’t enter into a relationship with but would happily smash one time based on attraction.

    If a guy has a functioning penis it really isn’t hard to get him off.

    Simple selfish pleasure

  8. What do you mean by attracted? Do you mean they’re not interested in them romantically? Because physical attraction is part of hookup culture. If you’re not interested in that, you can always set your boundaries early on and not have sex until you’re ready.

  9. Well unless you’re in the top percentile of men your options are very limited, of course there’s always brothels in Australia but $250 an hour isn’t worth paying considering how many rules/restrictions there are with sex workers.

    In the past I’ve slept with a few women that weren’t exactly my type when I was young and inexperienced mainly because they made it easy.

  10. weakness bc I suspect that in nearly all cases they regret it unless they are proponents of the “ugly girls are better lovers” school of thought. Idk i have found some very accomplished lovers ami g the really attractive girls i have dated.

  11. We are all victims to our own bodies. This is not a man only thing. It affects both sexes.

  12. To some guys, sex is like pizza. Even if the toppings aren’t your thing, it’s still pizza, and any pizza is generally better than no pizza.

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