My (fairly new) boyfriend (30M) and I (29F) have been dating since February. He’s not had a good year so far. He’s dealt with financial struggles stacking on top of each other, lost his job in early March (he has a new one now), and struggles happening lately. He even admitted besides us meeting it’s been a crappy year, and said he’s been depressed lately. Including him getting into a motorcycle accident and all his normal gear is not useable. I thought about buying him a replacement for his motorcycle jacket, which is $250, before tax and shipping costs. Is this too much to spend to try to uplift his spirits? I don’t want to overdo it but motorsports is his passion and I feel bad he’s been through so much lately… And having quality protected great is important. I care about his safety because he rides to work daily M-F. So it’s something he will use almost daily.

  1. I wouldn’t give gifts unless it’s like a one-year anniversary. I don’t think that birthday gifts holiday gifts are really appropriate unless you’re in a long lasting relationship maybe six months to a year. If it’s a new relationship the person should understand that hey this is a new relationship and give shouldn’t be expected. I think it’s always a good thing to ask K would you want to gift or what kind of gift would you like versus just showing up with an expensive gift

  2. A genuine gift like that should definitely uplift him. Why would that price tag be of concern? Unless he’s on the too prideful side, I don’t really see how it could be problematic.

  3. Is that too much money for you? For some people that’s out of the question and for others they wouldn’t bat an eye at spending $250.

    If I was in his position, I would appreciate any gift or experience that was thoughtful and well-intentioned, it wouldn’t matter about the price tag. I can relate to things going to shit and my partner stepping up and being there for me and it really meant a lot.

    That being said, I spent like $2k on my partner at the time for her 30th birthday and I later found out she had been cheating on me the entire time we were together so I’ve taken a step back from gift giving.

  4. I don’t think that’s unreasonable if you have the means to do so. It’s a really sweet/ thoughtful gift and gesture.

    I recently bought my best friend (woman) one of those dyson air hair driers. Shit cost me $570ish, but she had mentioned wanting one a long way back when they were out of stock. Recently has been going through insane amounts of emotional trauma with her seriously fucked up family/ partner situation and has been feeling super low. So I surprised her with the hope it would be a tool for her to style herself and make her feel a bit brighter. Gotta say, her reaction, seeing her use it for the first time and being so excited for the rest of the entire day about how “volumized” her hair was and all that… seeing her smile again was worth every penny.

    Get the jacket. When he puts it in and gets back on his bike and feels the wind/ rush… it’s going to make him feel good.

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