I've been with my GF for 3 years.

She is very anti-drug because her father died of a heroin overdose when she was young. Last year, I relapsed and started using cocaine again a few times. When my partner found out, I tried to lie to her twice. Then, I stayed sober for 8 to 9 months. But when she was traveling, I started using again in secret, first once a month, then once a week. I then had a big binge with friends for a few days while I was fishing out of town.

During that time, I realized it was unrealistic to build a long-term relationship without being honest with my partner. So, I decided to confess to her upon my return, unlike the previous year when she discovered my use on her own. She reacted very badly, saying she doesn't want that in her life and doesn't want to help me fight this endless battle. She is now considering leaving me. I thought that by being honest, things would get better. I wanted to talk to her to force myself to stop and be transparent. Now, I regret it and wonder if I should have stopped in secret.

PIease help. Is this normal ? I need support… And I feel like partners should support each other no matter what. Is she just not the right partner for me ?

TL;DR : Antidrug GF refuse to support me when stopping cocaine because of her background.

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