My boyfriend (23M) and I (23F) have been together for about 5.5 years and we have a very solid relationship. We are both hotheaded people when we argue, and we both can handle each other really well. After so much time of being together, we really understand each other and especially each others temper. Recently, my boyfriend and I got into a disagreement, but I can tell that he sort of snapped because he started screaming at me in a very scary, out of control way. Like his eyes looked crazy and there was spit flying out and he just looked like he wanted to hurt me. Ive genuinely never seen him look like that and I can’t unsee it. I can usually stand up for myself and argue back, but this scared me so deeply that I immediately crumbled and just started crying because I was so scared he was going to hurt me. He never has hurt me before, but I never saw this much anger so now I’m questioning everything. The argument wasn’t even that big, but he obviously snapped (possibly because he was stressed or tired idk). I can’t unsee it right now and the image of it is freaking me out but I just don’t think the argument was big enough to break up over. I just want to be able to move on from it without feeling scared. Has anyone ever experienced anything like this and how did you move on from it?

TLDR: my boyfriend (23M) screamed at me (23F) in a scary way that I can’t unsee. How have you moved on from something like this?

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