I feel like in many ways I can do better. Whether its sports, girls, career, or anything, I always have this feeling that I could have done more or better. Even when I do well. I still feel like I’m moving forward and getting better, just wondering if I’m the only one.

  1. My potential is to transcend humankind into a Q. Not there yet; or am I? Hmm…

  2. since the pos egg donar chose to drink while pregnant, im sure i peaked in high school.

  3. I always feel like I can do more or better in life, however over the years I’ve realized that I’m happy with the amount of effort I put in, I have a good reputation locally in my field and a happy wife and family who also makes me happy so all in all thats good enough for me.

  4. I achieved a lot professionally in 16 years.

    I have no desire to prove myself any more, having achieved what many would have considered almost impossible. I have had many occasions where somebody laughed in my face when I said what I was trying to achieve. Then they stopped laughing and started to want to know my secret.

    Now, I’m done and just want a stress free life, which I’m actively pursuing. Leaving the stress of work at the door as I leave is worth far more than being brilliant. Not to say I’m going to start doing bad work, just that I have nothing to prove to anyone. I can still do fantastic work but it’s not about that, it’s about picking and choosing what I do so that I have a more fulfilling life.

  5. That calls “grown mindset”

    And the “fixed mindset” is when u think “it is what it is”

    Ps: applies only to those who put hard work on themselves. No those who just FEEL entitled.

  6. I used to feel smart and fun. I used to feel productive and valued. I used to have lots of friends and partners.

    I guess I peaked a long time ago…

  7. I am 30, and kind of restarting in life again. I haven’t even begun to peak, and when I do peak, the entire world is going to feel it. I’m going to peak all over everybody.

  8. > I feel like in many ways I can do better

    For a lot of stuff there’s not really a “better” just a different.

    When I was a kid swapping pokemon cards with the neighbour kids I always felt like the ones they had were so much cooler and rarer than the ones in my collection. I took good care of my cards, keeping them in a binder and these other kids had theirs all beaten up, PSA grade 0 trash. I traded so many well cared for cards for their beaten up ones – an onix in particular sticks out in my mind with corners so scuffed you could never actually put it in a deck to play with as they folded up and frayed so hard.

    In terms of skills, being the best at something often sucks. After I was reliably beating all my friends at tekken I lost a huge drive to play it. I had way more fun in the struggle and the climb than sitting at the top of my friendgroup.

    >I always have this feeling that I could have done more or better

    Do you think of this looking back and going “I should have done this instead” or “Ah, maybe in the future I will try doing this instead”

  9. Every person still has that voice inside them or friend who says ” I can keep going” or “I can get better”.

  10. The thing about potential that kills me is knowing that I make a similar income to my parents when I was growing up, but because of inflation I will never live the lifestyle they had/have. I’ve done very well but I won’t reach those standards. But honestly I’m kinda of shocked I’ve done okay, I consider myself to be very lazy

  11. I always want to stay hungry for more, and don’t plan on ever reaching the peak of my potential. I still have a long way to go before I’m where I need to be, but don’t ever plan on stopping.

  12. Oh I’m confident she’s out there, im in no rush. Im in no rush to overpay for these stupid weddings and all that crap.

  13. I don’t think I’ll ever meet it but I’m always working to make myself into a man I can be proud of.

  14. Welcome to life, no one is perfect. Ask the best in the world if they met their potential and they’ll say they haven’t.

  15. Career wise I’m not sure. Like, I’m only two years removed from school, and I’m further along in my career than I ever would have thought I’d achieve in my life. So like, I might have met my potential based on my initial expectations, but if I did it this quickly, wouldn’t that mean I have more potential

  16. Potential? How would you know? That’s a peculiar yardstick.

    Maybe I would have been the greatest opera singer ever, if I pursued it.

    It’s better to have a sense of purpose than misgivings about what you might have been.

  17. “I’m half the man I want to be”

    Unreleased Stone Temple Pilots song song by me in the shower.

  18. Everything I set out to achieve, has happened. I’m full filled because of my wife and children, not because of assets. Or any material possession. Nothing matters except people. I had to stop , reset, I got burned out at 35 I’m 45 now and love life, even though I’m maimed

  19. One of the hardest choices I ever made was to actively walk away from meeting my full potential. I was an elite level rower, on a contract with government sporting department – my coach fully intended on taking me to the olympics. However years of elite sport isolates you from friends, and if you don’t enjoy the company of the other athletes (I didn’t) you’re screwed. I walked away for my own mental health – it was actively choosing a life of mediocrity but it’s the best thing I ever did for developing every other area of my life (social, academic, love) except sporting.

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