Just for knowing it…

How many unread messages do you usually have? In Whats? IG? TeleG? In combination, if you want?

I think unread emails is something common, but if you want to tell us, it will be great.

Thank you

  1. Uhhhh so I don’t have instagram… I don’t have any social media besides reddit and snapchat which I specifically made for my siblings so they can contact me… I have no phone number but I do have a facebook acc so my parents can contact me. Like… there is nothing for me to be unread I don’t have friends and I usually text my family members back as soon as I see their message. So 0 for me 🙂

  2. Personal email – none

    Work email- Idk. I’m a teacher and I don’t open my email during summer break.

  3. zero, literally.

    this excludes spam in my e-mail account, which i delete instantly without reading.

    as for “regular” messages, i read them as soon as i see them. there aren’t many of them anyway. here on reddit, for example, i have de-activated them. too many creeps and catfish around.

  4. None. I’m obsessive about clearing my messages and emails. I open them or I delete them. I don’t like badges lingering on my home screen.

  5. I don’t have any social media besides Reddit. In a LTR so no dating apps.

    I do however have 15 unread text messages, but this is only because telecom in Canada is so shit and I get about 3 scam text messages a day from random phone numbers phishing with some message like “excuse me, are you working today?”

    I’m too lazy to open them and block numbers

  6. Texts, probably hundreds. But they’re all verification codes. I get the notification, use the code, and don’t open the text

  7. 47,961 for 4 email accounts. Mostly from the one I enter into sites that send deluges of marketing emails. I used to occasionally go on my pc where it’s easier to clean them out but I don’t care about it much.

  8. Never any texts, I clear them. About 231 emails

    My husband- 16 texts, over 16,000 emails. That one stresses me out.

  9. I’ve got probably 3 important unread emails and 10+ unimportant emails in my work email. (Lots of newsletters or updates that I need to unsubscribe from, but I don’t really care.) In my personal email, maybe 25. My only unread texts are either junk from political campaigns or those “Here’s your secret verification code” texts from various companies where I just copied the code when the message came in, and didn’t go back into the message itself.

  10. On Reddit? 97

    On Facebook 99+

    On Insta 99+

    I don’t check messages a lot lol

  11. Work email is about 10k..

    My personal emails probably about 50-100k combined.

    WhatsApp… maybe about 200 (muted family group and the like).

    IG.. I think about 200-500 (I have a creator account, a bunch of DMs don’t get through or won’t be in my primary inbox and thus don’t really get seen/automatically deleted… so it’s a bit hard to guess).

  12. Reddit: 1,000+

    Email: 1,000+

    iMessage: 18

    Threads: 10

    Facebook: 3

    Instagram: 0

    WhatsApp: 0

    Snapchat: 0

  13. 4 instagram messages, probably 2000 emails..mayyyybe 1 text, and 1 snapchat message. Edit: spelling

  14. 286 on here. I frequent topics that attract attention when participating. I don’t actually want that kind of attention though, I only find those topics on the more interesting and amusing side. So my message requests stay largely untouched.

  15. 99 text messages and 666 emails (yes, the number of emails I have is intentional)

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