How many of you are willing to admit that loud exhaust is just for attention?

  1. I swear the people in my neighborhood replace their mufflers with amplifiers

  2. It isn’t, I enjoy the sound, often the good exhaust notes are louder.

    If I just wanted attention I’d just run electric cutouts and open them up in crowded areas.

  3. On my motorcycle: yes absolutely
    On my truck: rot box gets what it gets
    On my Jeep: it probably fell off again

    My buddies cars that all keep turning into drift missiles…
    Yes very much so

  4. There are cars that are loud for attention. The slammed Honda with a can is loud for attention but the 350R, gt3RS or even the lowered caged and tuned miata can be loud for more than just attention.

  5. I won’t

    When people pay the fuck attention to motorcycles, I’ll quiet mine.

    None of this “but I didn’t see him, so therefore I didn’t do anything wrong.”

    You were on your phone and not paying attention.

  6. I had a ram 1500 in high school that I got from my dad. It had flow masters on it. I thought it was cool. Until I started sneaking out after they fell asleep. There was no chance of starting my truck up without waking everyone up. It was immediately lame.

  7. My exhaust isn’t LOUD but I do have an aftermarket exhaust on my VW and on my 99 Durango. Both cars have mods (tastefully done) and I just like the sound of a nicely done exhaust on a clean looking ride. But if you think I do it for anyone except for myself, you’re delusional. I don’t put a few grand into each of them for other people.

  8. A better flowing exhaust will be louder, it’s not always for the loudness factor, it’s for the performance.

    My 58 pickup that can run drag isn’t for the attention, it’s just a loud car to squeeze every bit of power as I can get. My 67 Impala, which is a cruiser, has a nice mellow exhaust. Both cars get a good amount of attention.

    With that being said, there are absolutely people who only do it for the attention.

  9. I have a 1988 desiel pajero. When that turbo charger kicks in at fcking 40kph and 3k rpms there ain’t shit I can do and it it has nothing g to do with attention haha. I’m just tryna get up to speed at a rate traffic qo t hate me for.

    Love my rustbucket wheeler but fck that thing loud.

  10. Actually, it’s because I hit a huge pothole and broke my end box, thankyou.

    It’s getting fixed on Friday.

  11. My truck isn’t loud because want attention it’s because the fucking Crack head stole my catalytic converter now it’s straight piped

  12. My cat got clogged and I didn’t have $500 to buy a new one so I just chopped off the exhaust in front of it. Wasn’t so much for attention as it was me being broke

  13. I love the sound of the exhaust on a big block V8 and I’m not the only one.

    When I muffler swapped my 6.4l Hemi, it wasn’t for attention. It was for the enjoyment that I get from pushing on the gas pedal.

  14. Nah my loud exhaust is a byproduct of redneck engineering trying to make a 35 year old shitbox fast.
    Aint got nothing to do with attention.
    That’s what the pink wheels are for.

  15. I don’t mind loud exhaust if it sounds good, but to the kid who put a fart can on his 3-cyl and insists on flooring it down my street at 6 in the morning, fuck you!

  16. People who don’t know shit about cars: loud exhausts are for attention.

    People who know about cars: performance improvements come with additional noise.

    People who ride motorcycles: loud pipes save lives.

    Three of my four cars have louder than stock exhausts. TBH they are all louder than I’d like but I am not willing to go back to stock. They are all deep in tone and I don’t drive like a dick in residential areas. In one case, the performance stainless steel exhaust was considerably less expensive than stock.

  17. Some people do it for attention. I have an aftermarket exhaust because I personally like the sound. Some people also do it for visibility. If you can’t see them they want to make sure you can at least hear them so they don’t get run off the road.

  18. Some do for attention, but there are certainly performance reasons for doing so

  19. Depends on the vehicle and its modifications… Certainly there are exhaust sound amplifying mods but not all loud exhausts are for attention just a byproduct of its performance increases

  20. I genuinely love the sound, I had a m perf exhaust and would drive at night to relax, windows down, no music and just enjoy the sound of the car

  21. Its a bathtub curve of loudness where the cheapest and most expensive exhaust systems are the loudest.

    The cheap ones are vastly more common and cause most of the annoyance so they blame the wealthy tuneup guy rather than punching down on the poor guy.

    In practice, police enforcement of exhaust laws is almost exclusively to criminalize being poor. You’d never catch a white liberal saying they need to keep “the poor colored people” out of their gentrified community, but “exhaust laws because of those annoying hot rodders” is socially acceptable to those types.

  22. My car is louder than before cause im cheap and hate my state enough not to get the exhaust repaired

  23. I don’t care much for the exhaust only note like someone stuck a tuba to their 2 litre 4 banger but I do like the visceral block heavy sound experience of some larger engines.

    I couldn’t give a rats ass whether it would get me attention and I would honestly enjoy it more so driving out on some secluded track in bum fuck nowhere where I know I’m not disturbing anyone with a sweet 8 cylinder symphony.

  24. They only really make a difference on engines when paired with tuning etc, although a lot of people do just like listening to it themselves

  25. There’s a theory that loud pipes are there to inform the missus when they are coming home so her side piece has time to dress up and run.

  26. There’s a big difference between a shitty Honda Civic having an obnoxiously loud aftermarket exhaust and an actual high-performance sports car having a loud exhaust from the factory.

    The former is annoying and pathetic, the latter has always been and will always be cool.

  27. >is just for attention?

    It’s not. Loud exhaust is generally louder because it’s less restrictive allowing the engine to make more power. That’s why race cars are insanely loud, they are basically just a straight exhaust pipe put the side of the car.

    The difference is in racing, they need to squeeze every last single horsepower out of their car to get the edge, because every competitor will also be pushing their car to the brink of performance. In those settings, a couple horsepower can make a difference. Street engines do not see this same need.

    The issue we all have with it is that people take this principle and apply it to cars that have no buisness needing something like that.

    Your 90 hp Civic is not cooler or discernably faster at 94 hp thanks to the muffler delete you did. The vast majority of street cars will never come close to sustaining their maximum output for any notable amount of time.

    Edit: also consider that although you may not be a car person, many of us are and quite enjoy the sound of an aggressive V8 or whatever your taste may be. There’s a line where it gets too obnoxious of course, but loving the sound of your cars engine is a pleasure you either understand or you dont.

  28. My RX7 is loud because catalytic converters and rotary engines don’t go well together.

  29. As a former car enthusiast I’ll say that it definitely depends on the application. The majority of them are pointless noisemakers but there are definitely proper applications especially in today’s tuner world. You’d be absolutely correct regarding the ‘90s and early-‘00s though.

    I added a turbocharger to my last car and gained 150 horsepower to the wheels with a mostly stock engine, and an exhaust was definitely necessary for better flow otherwise those numbers would’ve been much lower due to airflow restrictions from the added volume of air coming in (via the turbo) vs. the restricted exhaust gasses going out of the factory exhaust piping.

  30. When my bike wasn’t loud people would cut me off and I almost had a couple accidents, never happened anymore. I also really like the sound, and when I come back home even a bit late I turn off the engine as soon as I can and use momentum as much as I can… Not everything people do is for attention, a lot of people genuinely like the sound of some engines, get over it.

  31. “Loud” aftermarket exhausts on motorcycles can save ~20 lbs on some performance oriented bikes. That can be a 5% or more reduction in weight which is pretty significant for handling, not to mention a notable horsepower increase, especially with air filter and tune.

    OP’s question screams ignorance.

  32. I am willing to admit that, at least in respect to motorcycles. “Loud pipes saves lives” is a real thing! I just bought a motorcycle that came installed with a decibel killer to comply with EU noise regulations, and it is astonishing how many cars turn into my lane right in front of me because they don’t even realize I’m there . Bikers have to do everything they can to increase noticeability. Flashing headlights, tapping brakes to let those behind them know they’re about to stop, etc. We up the loud factor to increase the likelihood of being noticed, which reduces the likelihood of being flattened. Some go way overboard tho.

  33. When I was 17 I had a Ford Escort that looked pretty sweet. Red with grey trim and spoiler.

    I was really preoccupied with getting it to be as quiet and smooth sounding as I could. Getting it serviced, making sure it was tip top etc. I even got my mom to drive past me in it so I could hear how it smooth/rough it sounded!

    It never occurred to me that while other guys were making their car as loud as possible I was doing the exact opposite lol.

  34. I totally get the appeal, BUT:
    1) I do not get the appeal of the Hondas and Subarus etc. that are obviously modded on purpose in such a way that they sound like someone farting in a tin can
    2) I don’t understand why people think it’s acceptable to be as loud as fucking possible where it’s clearly going to disrupt people who are at home or in public places in any variety of ways. No one thinks you’re cool.

  35. I have a 3″ cutout on my downpipe that I can close with a switch. My motor is fully built, lots of go fast parts so it’s really handy when I don’t want my car to be heard by all.

    Lots of guys do it for attention though, I would assume.

  36. “it’s for performance”

    unless you’re Street racing or drag racing in downtown tokyo, you’re really not taking advantage of your car to the full extent by going 0-60 in a neighborhood and waking everybody up 😂😂

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