Me and my flatmate usually go to bed around the same time. I always have a shower before bed and I've noticed that sometimes he would comeback to the living room very quietly like he is waiting for me to close the bathroom?
At first I thought I was just being paranoid and I've turned the shower on and waited a bit, then opened the door pretending I forgot something and walked into the kitchen seeing him like he's just been caught doing something he's not supposed to lol. He would always be like oh no just grabbing some water. But you could tell like his face would go all red and that he's lying. Not the first time this happened.
Tonight I've turned the shower on and waited by the door and I could hear him coming back to the kitchen but just standing there?? And then as soon as I walked into the kitchen he used the "grabbing some water" again looking sooo guilty.
Has this happened to anyone before?

PS. We are good friends, there's nothing romantic between us whatsoever.

EDIT- We have seperate bathrooms

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