So a few months back, me and my gf (we have been together for more than a year) was too busy on our work we could not cook a proper dinner. So I made her some noodles with beef and a fried egg, of course with a proper broth and seasoning (we both are Vietnamese). But I have to go back to work since my boss starts to get irritated and the deadline is right up my anus. So I went and boil a potato, a carrot and an egg, with a fried sausage. Simple, fast and a not so bad meal to get the job done.

Remind u guys we are both Vietnamese and my gf is a little bit more on the traditional side. The moment she saw me bring a plate with boiled egg, carrot, potato and a fried sausage to the table with butter and salt and pepper, she gave me an eerie cold disgusted look 👀. Then she said, and I quote: “Why do you eat like a poor dying Western man suffering from the plague in the medieval time?” (The “dying” word iss because i had a pretty harsh flu at that time).

Ever since then I made a lot of simple meal like that because I got super busy and the shit she gave me for it double through times. I still dont understand why she gave me so much shit for making a simple and fast meal. She even told her friends about how Im so “western” and eating bland. Please help me, how do I convince her that it is. Just. A. Meal. Its not that big of a deal.

TL;DR, my gf gave me too much shit for eating too simple and wont stop giving me shit for it.

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