I always had a problem with working on group projects at university because I always feel like I am not doing enough, so at the start of every group project I tell my partners that if they feel I am not doing enough to please let me know. Splitting work "evenly" is a next to impossible task.

for one of my labs I had one lab partner that I was with the entire semester and we got along pretty great. I gave him the same pitch I give all my project partners and he said he understood. We would split up the work and always communicate between our selves about the labs.

Most of the time is myle doing the practical stuff for the lab like the actual experiments while he collects the data. Whe. It comes to the lab report we try to split it 50/50 and if we can't 60/40 with the majority going to him because I did the practice stuff, the reason he gave me.

Near the end of semester he invited me to rush his frat and I got a bid. He logics that he knows that because I will be "hazed"(doing chores) at the frat that I would be busy so he split the lab repot 80/20 while I still did the practicle. I thanked him for it and I never heard a complaint from him. During the start of deadweek after all our labs were finished. We celebrated with the other brothers at the frat and he said in off handed coment, infront of me"he did most of the work for all the labs".

I could be reading too much into it and I can understand him saying that for the two labs we did while I was joining the frat. But I feel he was talking about all 16 labs we did instead of the 2 he mostly covered.

This had me thinking do my partners feel like it is too rude to tell me I am not doing enough in the projects.No one has ever told me that I am not doing enough. And is there a way to convey that I can take criticism?

I know it sounds like I can't take criticism but my partner made that comment when we were done with the labs and I prefer he would tell me this stuff during our projects.

I am socially inept so I could use some advice.

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