Me(26F) and my bf(20M) have been in a happy relationship for a year and a half and we are happy. We haven't really had any problems, we love each other, we clean each other, we clean for each other, and we cook for each other. He is an absolute joy to be around. Although I do baby him a little bit, I am NOT his maid.

Although he has done something a tad bit weird, when we get into bed he acts like a cat while we do a foreplay and he'll say some of the most leftfield and wild horny things . One time we were cuddling and he was laying on top of me (he is 5'4 and I am 5'11 yes I know he is short) and he said "you know, that kittens like me need milk from their mommies" and he started kneading my boobs, like a cat. To be honest I thought it was weird but cute coming from him, but his weird behavior continued. I peg him sometime (either by request or if I just want to, don't judge me) and one time I was about to start and I was waiting for him to get in position, he got on the bed and got on his back but then he screamed "Ravage my boy pussy master"! and in my mind I was thinking "wtf why is he saying the most out of pocket stuff imaginable"?

The first time I brought him to my house he told me he didn't want to have sex the first night I brought him home, I respected his boundaries but he still said he wanted to cuddle him to sleep in my bed that night. We got in bed and he was a little bit scared by my touch, but he eventually gave in my love. I asked him if he wanted to do anything specific, I expected him to ask for me to make out or jerk him off but instead he said "I'll let you pet me and rub my tummy". I paused for a second and I wanted to make sure what I just heard, but I fulfilled his request and he started moaning a little bit and he got really hard. I still think it was a little weird but in a cute way.

One time we were hanging out at our friends house and well they have a cat. While we were there they had some cat toys and our friend wanted to show us their cat laser pointer. They turned it on and I kid you not, without any hesitation my bf started chasing it, eyes dilatated, movements erratic, and determination to catch the laser. He knocked down a few books and other things and my friend was absolutely laughing their ass off. All I did was think that maybe my bf is half cat.

One time he came home to after a argument with his mom. He has mommy issues and he can't really take the abuse his mom gives him ,so when this happens he comes home in tears. I was comforting him in bed and humming him to sleep. Right as he was about to go to sleep he started mumbling "thank you mommy" and started kneading a purring, or at least he tried to purr.

I'm not really uncomfortable or displeased by this behavior. Its not really annoying and I actually find it cute. I know he sounds a bit weird but trust me he is a wonderful boyfriend. He's loyal, sweet, smart, cute, and a keeper. I just wanted to ask to see what people think about this and if this normal or healthy. No I am not willing to break up with him over this.

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