I’ll start. Tonight, after catching up on This Is Us with my wife. After the episode ended, I really faced some of my deepest fears and recognized some of the things I appreciate most about life. I lamented my shortcomings and the challenges of life. I got full-on sobbed on my wife’s chest, complete with a stuffy nose and lump in my throat. I remembered some of the best things from childhood like the love of my parents. I expressed all this to my wife. It was like the ultimate life integration therapy sesh.

  1. Few days after my grandma died. My problems havent seemed that big since then

  2. I seem to have lost this ability. My grandma died 2 years ago, and however much I wanted to cry, I couldn’t. Same this year when my wifes grandpa died (he was like a second grandpa for me) Nothing. It’s like there’s a dam blocking it.

    Also when life just gets a little too much, I would like to have a good cry. But it’s impossible.

    I just want to let these emotions out. I’m a human being dammit!

  3. Complete full sob? 7 years ago, was year after my old man had passed and exactly 5 years since my mum had also passed (ironically they died 4 years nd 1 day apart) the girlfriend I had at the time for lack of a better phrase made me feel this was allowed and ok.

  4. When I have my nightmares. A week or two ago. My mind throws me into some really fucked scenarios.

  5. Yesterday evening. I’m having a bad time lately, and by lately I mean since October. But its getting worse the last few weeks.

  6. When I wake up from dreams of a girl I loved since 4th grade and lost. The loss of her, the loss of my non existent childhood…

  7. When my grand parents and great uncle passed away. very close to them. Also, it took a couple of weeks to comprehend that it was okay to grieve and celebrate their passing. How they made me a better person.

  8. Can’t remember what it was but definitely was while I was watching some TV show or movie.

  9. When I was about four or five years old, shortly before I realized the truth.

  10. Five years ago when my grandfather died. Lost it at the funeral.

    And also a few month ago I broke in my girlfriend’s caring arms. Couldn’t handle all the stress and pressure of work, family, house moving and upcoming deployment anymore.

  11. Last week. Girlfriend left me for someone else. Someone literally across the world. For a long distance relationship. A girl she literally met on the internet not even three weeks ago. At first it was gonna be a break because we were working together and it became toxic and we realized all of our relationship mistakes on our last day on the beach. She told me “It’s okay, everything will be okay, I love you, you’re my soulmate” We were planning to fix this all with the correct steps and communication. Three days later she has a girlfriend (who she originally met as a friend online, then admitted to me she had feelings when she wanted the break) when the day before that she sent me a bunch of “miss you” texts etc. Her sister told me about the new girlfriend and said shes playing with my feelings at this point. Said the right move is to block her and move on. I blocked her immediately. Still in contact with her family (her sister is a good friend of mine now) because they accepted me as their own and were like “wtf” at her because of this. I loved her, but the last time I saw her I didn’t recognize that person anymore. Personality shift since last month. She even got distant from her family.

    But I know I’ll be alright. Just venting bros. It’s been a long fucking week. I’m damn angry and tired. We were eachothers first actual loving relationship aside from long distance. Never had a connection like that and I feel like I never will. She said the same when we broke it off. Gods she was completely fucking different last month. But it’ll be alright. I’m better than this.

  12. A couple years back I fell asleep watching Futurama and had a dream that mashed up that moment from the Jurassic Bark episode with my Old dog that had passed away about 5 years previously.

    Woke up and sobbed for a long while. Absolutely Brutal…

  13. 3 hours ago I watched a groom lift his mother with cerebral Palsy out of her wheel chair and dance with her for first time ever. They both cried and everyone at the wedding cried.

  14. I think the closest recent example I can think of, was the scene in Attack On Titan: Final Season part 2 (Spoilers below)

    Was when Grisha hugged Zeke and apologizes for being such a terrible father. That really hit me in the heart strings, since my biological father is a rat bastard who was a drug dealer who gave kids meth and has raped women + children.

    So, I understood where Zeke was coming from, but then hearing his dad be regretful of his actions and seeing Zeke tear up, got me pretty close full on sobbing

    Besides that, at most I’ll tear up not full on sob

  15. The day before my ex’s 21st, I got an email from this flower company that I used to deliver flowers to her. I had this particular bouquet ordered for her last year a few days after her 20th, but I completely forgot about it until I got an email saying the bouquet isn’t being done anymore and I need to change the order. I cancelled it in a panic lol. At first I just laughed and sighed of relief because that would’ve been awkward having that on her doorstep, but then late at night it hit me HARD that I wasn’t able to be there for her 21st. Stung like a bee, that did. Oh well, at least I got my money back lol

  16. A few weeks ago when I was on holiday by myself. I was alone in my hotel room and it’s like all the feelings came out from the last 2 years because of Covid. Also the feelings I’ve had over the last 5 years about a certain girl and some regrets I have in life. I was a mess. I went downstairs to the pub had a few beers and some chicken wings then went back up to my room and went to sleep and that was that

  17. Two days ago… After catching up on This Is Us. That show, man. Pulls the heartstrings like it’s freaking Geppetto.

  18. Few tears here and there maybe a couple months ago just from stress/depression. Bawled like a child? When i was a child.

  19. Last year around mid June. My mother had liver failure and had to be flown to a major hospital for treatment. When that happened, I knew that was probably it and she wasn’t coming back home. I was headed to bed one night and next to my wife, I just said “I’m not ready for her to be gone” and just lost it. She died about three weeks later by her own choice, she didn’t want to go through a transplant.

  20. One month ago? My dad passed away on January and I didn’t bawl like child until then. It was in the shower and lasted like 10 minutes.

  21. Probably last time I watched Dead Poets Society. Kind of seems lame and insignificant to some of the other posts here, but Robin Williams was a great human being and I miss him and his comedy. I don’t know him personally, but since his death, that movie hits different.

  22. A few days ago because my sons wouldn’t stop yelling at each other and sometimes being a single father is just a bit too overwhelming. I had a full blown panic attack in front of them. I then broke down crying because I felt so bad for letting them see me so emotional. Father of the year, I know.

  23. April 18th on the twentieth anniversary of my wife’s death. I usually wait for the anniversary to let myself really break down about it. Just hard to cope with twenty years since I last got to touch her or hear her voice. Sometimes it feels like yesterday that I woke up by her side and others it feels like it’s been a lifetime. I don’t think she’d even recognize me at this point and that’s devastating.

  24. Just about 2 weeks ago, for many reasons actually. 2 months ago I lost just about everything in a house fire, whatever I could save from It was stolen by people. And 2 weeks ago, on top of it all, my girlfriend of a year and a half broke up with me, and I’m pretty sure she’s already with someone new. I’ve been relying on antidepressants and alcohol every day to get me through my weeks and I honestly hate it sometimes

  25. Almost exactly two years ago when I realized I wasn’t happy living as a woman and needed to reverse my transition.

  26. At the end of February, when I finished Banana Fish. Cried for 2 straight hours, 6’4” 200 lbs dude bawling my eyes out, when I haven’t cried sincer middle school (>15 years ago).

  27. Friday at trauma counselling.

    Got cancer and had a major operation to remove it a while back and have probably cried more in the last 5 years than in the 30 before that. Shit fucked me up.

  28. When we had to have our 15 year old German Shepherd put down. We all went in and held him as he went. We had him for over 13 years, he was as much a part of our family as any human.

  29. A few times a year on Fridays I stay in after work and listen to music by myself. When the music gets too dark I start crying but it’s not correlated to anything going on in my life. Feel pretty good afterwards though

  30. Last year I had some heath issues that ended up being nothing but at the time I thought was a sign something major was on the way.

  31. Yesterday.

    Me and my wife sat on the couch and drank some beer while our 50 days son was asleep.

    We talked about our plans for the future and how we can optimize our combined approach, in the middle of my second beer the kid woke up, I held him.

    Just putting my face on his head, I sang him a lullaby, he calmed down and just let out a heavy sign, as if he is going to sleep, the touching, the smell of this child, the desire to protect this little piece of meat till the end of my breath just finally caught up to me.

    At that moment, the thought ” I am a father” finally hit home and I just barely held it together while I bawled my eyes out.

    I teared up while waiting this, jeez.

  32. Lost my black and white staffy girl…I held her when the vet injected the drugs and she dropped….wow my lip started quivering that’s it I was balling my eyes out had to walk away…am 6ft big bald got more scars than I remember…but my girl my one unwavering love, truly loyal and honest never a doubt about her intentions when she fell my heart was broken. I had a dream months after about laying in a field with her on a sunny day…she was inches Infront of my face I could smell her. Ah I miss her.

  33. Dude I get to drinking and watch this is us always tear up! Not bawling but my ole lady thinks it’s hilarious

  34. I remembered the last time I bawled like a child because I said it was going to be my last, I just turned 14 in juvenile hall and was looking at a possibility of life in prison the night I got booked in was kind of fast because I was too high to remember but when I sobered up and thought about what I was gonna go through I told myself I wouldn’t let ppl see me cry especially in a place like that cause that would have made me seem weak so I had to just get out all my regrets and fuckups I’ve done to that point and I cried for a good day or so

  35. After having a kid post second cancer and chemotherapy saying I wouldn’t be able to have any more kids

  36. About two years ago when my grandma died. I locked myself in the bathroom for two hours and wailed the whole time, and i was still crying when i came out.

  37. Like full sob? Probably sometime as a child, maybe as a young teenager, but nothing since then. I am pretty lucky in that my life is pretty good, worst that happened in the last couple years was maybe a break up but that was also fine.

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