I’ve worked shifts for years, 3 days of 12 hours per week. I had x3 sets of clothes.

Do people usually have x 5 of everything if working 5 days a week? Or is it 2 or 3 pairs or kegs and a fresh short each day?

I’m keen to known people’s thoughts!

  1. At least a pair for every pair of legs you have.

    Joking aside, it depends what you’re doing. 2 or 3 to have in rotation is probably a good start, but I doubt the paparazzi will be after you if you show up to work twice in a row with the same keks on.

  2. ‘I start a 9-5 Jon next week, how many pairs of trousers should I buy?!’

    Depends on how frisky Jon is

    Badum tss. But seriously I have 5 shirts and 2 trousers. Change shirt each day and trousers every 2 or 3

  3. I own one pair of trousers that I wear for work three days a week. I wash them when I’m working from home and work in my pants on those days.

    I should point out that I am awful and no one should live like me.

    They’re not even nice trousers.

  4. Usually if you’re servicing a Jon you’d usually be naked. Make sure you’ve got plenty of lube if it’s 8 hours every day.

  5. 2/3 trousers. 5+ shirts. One pair of shoes.

    My work ditched corporate gear years ago, so now it’s hoodies and heavy metal shirts / combat trousers haha

  6. Depends what kind of job you do. If it’s an office job and not getting sweaty then I wear the same trousers for more than one day.

  7. I have 3 pairs of jeans I wear to work on rotation:
    – 1 pair Monday/Thursday
    – 1 pair Tuesday/Friday
    – 1 pair on a Wednesday

    I wash them on a weekend so they’re good to go for the next week. I don’t think they really need washing after 1 day unless they get something on them.

    I work in a very well air conditioned laboratory setting, if I was working a sweatier job I’d have a pair for every day of the week. I also change to shorts for the drive cos I don’t like sitting in the car for long periods of time in jeans.

  8. If your job requires a suit, I would recommend for any suit you buy getting 1 jacket and 2 pairs of trousers. The trousers always wear out faster than the jacket, plus if you ever opt to just go shirt and trousers you have the alternate pair of trousers to do so to cover washes!

  9. I used to wear the same trousers mon-thurs and then jeans on Friday. I mean – all you’re doing is sitting at a desk for 9 hours a day and then taking the trousers off as soon as you get home. They don’t have that much chance to get dirty.

  10. I have 3 trousers and 3 shirts. I’m happy wearing the same shirt twice, assuming no lunchtime soup mishaps

  11. I’ve got 4-5 pairs of trousers and 5-6 shirts. I don’t change everyday, my trousers aren’t getting sweaty and I wear undershirts (cheap Primark white V necks) under my work shirts so they stay fresh for 2-3 days at a time.

    Trousers wise I wear Next slim fit chinos in 3-4 different colours. Just buy a load of different colours or stick to the standard, navy, black or grey.

    None of the guys I work with actually change everyday.

  12. What is the actual dress code though? I work low level in an office so jeans and chinos are allowed, makes it easier laundry wise.

    I would advise chinos if you’re allowed those over suit trousers. Slim fit chinos are excellent at looking professional enough but feeling like jogging bottoms. I don’t know if i’d go back to jeans now.

  13. I have 3 pairs of trousers that all look exactly the same, and multiple shirts. Considering I just sit behind a desk all day, I pretty much wear the same trousers every day I’m in the office in a week, unless something happens to them 😂

  14. The only correct answer here is 0

    Either there are no uniform requirements, so you can wear your own clothes which you own, so no trouser buying required

    Or there is a uniform requirement, in which case your new boss needs to buy you 3-4 pairs of trousers!

  15. If it’s Jon Richardson, then one pair for each day of the week, neatly pressed.

  16. Office job? When I had to wear office wear, I’d usually go through two pairs of trousers over the week and maybe a different shirt each day.

  17. The more pairs you have the longer each lasts. I’d start with 2/3 and get a new pair every few months until you reach say 6.

  18. I WFH permanently now but I was on 4 trousers otherwise that’s too much washing.

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