Hello everyone,

If you feel comfortable, I'd really appreciate hearing your general thoughts on condom use and oral sex. Also, it would be great if to learn whether whether you use condoms during oral sex and what factors influenced your decision?

I’m writing this post with the hope of receiving non-judgmental advice/information about condom use and oral sex. For me, a challenge of thinking about this is that it is far from a black and white decision. There is a lot of gray area and that it may come down to risk tolerance. I’m not looking for the “right” answer because I don’t believe there is one. I’m looking for the facts, feelings and experiences that have influenced decision-making around this topic.

Of course, if another partner requested whether to use condoms during oral sex, I would 100% honor that request. I think the importance of respecting the wishes of partners is critical. This post is more in reference to me helping figure out my own risk tolerance, not whether we should honor the boundaries of others (bc of course we should)!

Edit: I'm asking as someone who has sex with multiple partners. My partners also have sex with multiple partners. Everyone gets STI tested regularly.

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