Do men and/or women of different ages have different attitudes to it in your experience? Do they resist using condoms? Do people carry them? How easy is it to get tested for panel STDs and how accessible/affordable is it?

  1. Safe sex is the standard, condoms are—at least among gay men—seen as a minimum, and it isn’t unheard of to discuss sexual health. Some of my straight friends have mentioned, that they have had partners—male—who have complained about condoms, _but_, I think, without having any statistics, I am willing to say, that those are rare. At least among those I hang out around, condoms are standard, even in committed, exclusive relationships.

    STD testing is a little different. There is, right now, an ongoing campaign aimed at young people, to get tested for chlamydia, which is the most widespread STD in Denmark. Testing for any STD is ofc. free, and can be performed both by your GP, and there is an increasing number of more discrete clinics, offering a more anonymous test, if you feel uncomfortable being tested by your own GP. Personally, I’m tested once a year for all of the most common STDs, plus a blood-test to screen for HIV, and I just have it done by my own GP.

    I don’t know what the statistics are when it comes to age, but my impression is regardless of generation, everybody supports safe sex, and condoms are a bedside-table-stable.

  2. Well until about 25 years ago condoms where illegal. Especially in the countryside sex is such a weird/taboo subject of conversation. Hopefully that changes. I really don’t know if people carry them around. But it is pretty much assumed that you should wear one.

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