So I met a guy online around April and we somehow hit it off. Then we started talking everyday and he always text me good morning, send random stuff like when a song I like would be playing in the background or when we went to a concert of an artist he discovered through me, pictures of his lunch.. wholesome stuff. He’d double text too when I don’t respond right away or when I fall asleep. I would reciprocate his efforts of course. We plan to meet in Tokyo next month.

He’d respond in a few minutes to a few hours then it stretched to long hours to more than a whole day. The voice notes are gone, the pictures less but he is not completely cold when he replies. He’d leave me on read and post on his ig stories. Normally I don’t mind when my friends do this but I guess it’s the change that bothers me and I guess I like him too.

My friends tell me that I should ignore him longer but what does that actually solve? So last night when he replied after like almost 2 days like nothing happened.. about how it was a holiday and he hung out so much with his friends etc. I just told him I felt ignored and thanked him for everything. I was kinda drunk too lol

This morning he replied to my message with a “gm” and “😭😭😭” and I don’t know what to do cause I feel stupid and he is still just a friend I shouldn’t be too entitled to. How do I respond/deal with this?

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