I've been married 2 years and came into being married with a strong sense of health (regarding nutrition). Husband came into being married literally eating two meals a day, usually consisting of energy drinks, coffee, candy, cheese, and some sort of plain carb. I cook at home mostly, and was able to change a lot of what he ate (and he ended up gaining a healthy amount of weight back since he was eating about 1.2k a day before). When I got pregnant, I gained about 64 pounds and he gained about 30 of sympathy weight. After the baby was born, I worked out at least once a day, almost every day (and 2x a day for a couple of months), since I felt so rotten with the extra weight on (joint issues etc). I ended up losing about 50 of it and then gaining 10 pounds back in muscle (size is same but weight has gone back up). I also completely changed how I ate and focused a lot more on whole foods and high protein. I feel good, have a lot of energy and have mostly recovered my body confidence. However. My husband (while he eats what I make him very enthusiastically) still goes for simple carbs, cheese, and energy drinks/soda when I don't cook for him. He's recently started doing weights…but the weight is 8 pounds. He's reluctant to go to the gym, even though he has a very fit friend who has offered to train him. I love him very much, but I don't want to be putting more effort into my body than he is into his. I don't nag him about his weight, because that seems mean-but I'm honestly not very attracted to him physically right now. As much as I want to have sex, I see his body and feel kinda bummed out. He's still at least 30 pounds heavier than he was when we got married, and I wish he took it as seriously as I took my weight gain. What can I do about this that addresses the attraction issues without seeming mean? He has a history of BED and bulimia, and I would HATE to push him back into that.

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