Hello men of reddit, please help a girl out. Did this guy actually like me?

I recently just met with a guy I knew from college back then. It’s been almost 6 years since I graduated college but we’re still keeping in touch.

To cut the long story short, I really did like this guy back then, but time made us drift apart and I guess I can finally say that I don’t feel that way for him anymore, which gave me the courage to meet him again in person to get closure if he felt the same way for me back then because tbh I’m confused, and fear that I misinterpreted things

Back then, this guy would look at me lovingly everytime we spoke, would always ask me how I am, compliment me, and most importantly, always be there whenever and wherever I called him, he’d show up right away. There was even one time when he walked to where I was (approx 2 miles) when I asked if he wanted to meet.

The thing is during the closure, he confessed that during that time he was caught up with another girl, and he made it seem like she was the only one in his mind back then. By the time we met in college though, this girl had already graduated ahead, i can’t help feel like a rebound after he said that.

So what the hell? Was this guy just treating me as a friend afterall? Are the efforts and level of affection normal? Was I a rebound? Was he leading me on?

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