I have never really been confrontational and realized it’s cause I’m a people pleaser. I’m 28 yo F and coworker is like late 30s.

I work at walmart. I work second shift and really only zone. Which is just organizing the clothes and folding them. I have avoided getting a ladder cart when we work the same shift cause she always takes over it. I use the cart cause it’s to fold clothes on it, etc. the supervisor wants us to all zone together cause it’s easier but it’s so annoying.

Yesterday, I decided to use one and of course she puts a bunch of random clothes on it and says “you wanna get your cart mama”. She always says that “you wanna”. “You wanna come with me mama”. “You wanna zone the jean wall mama”. And I did once and she kept getting near my face to put the jeans back and almost hitting my face with them. She didn’t do that maliciously, it’s like she wasn’t aware.

Yesterday, she asked “you wanna follow me mama”. Since she had to go cut fabric, I told her I didn’t feel like it then she supposedly said our supervisor said to bring me along. But Idk if that was even true. 🙄

She annoys me also cause she always kinda like mumbles and won’t speak up and she’ll ask you a question to make sure I’m listening lmao She’s also gets mad easily, one day she basically punched the fitting room counter cause she was pissed she had to go to another department.

Please help me, how do I address this? I’m starting to dread going to work when she’s there.

1 comment
  1. Quit.

    But I guess you really need the job otherwise you would have quit already.

    Sweep the leg.

    Star addressing her with the same tone she does it to you. Give her a fuckload of attitude that is the only way to assert dominance.

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