TBF weekend drinking used to be our thing when we were still dating. I'm 8 months pregnant now and everything is tiring for me. I work at home, fends for our 4-year-old daughter, and also takes care of the house. He works 9 hours 5 days a week as a manager, so he obviously earns more than me and he's understandably tired at the end of the week. His idea of decompressing from work is through drinking. though he only drinks at home and just invites his friends over (which I'm close with as well). I've let him do this until just recently, when I just feel tired every time and not really in the mood to socialize with everyone. Also, I always clean the whole house every time our friends come and being 8 months pregnant it's taking a toll on me. Am I being a bad and/or controlling wife for asking him not to drink every weekend?

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