I'm not bad at talking at all, through text and to myself (I talk to myself 24/7 in my head, pretty much full convos, this is a separate problem guys 😭) I'm just fine which proves its not that I can't. Plus 99% of the time I will think of a great response right after the person leaves or later when I reply the convo or whatever. It's not that I think of things to but then I'm afraid/anxious and don't say them (which happens sometimes), its just that I don't/can't think of anything at all. Even if there is something I've been planning on asking/talking about with a certain person I'll completely forget as soon as they start talking to me

a lot of times if a random person says something to me as I'm walking by, or just something quick Ill just smile at them and keep walking cause I can't think of anything to say. also, another thing which is kinda related is that a lot of times when someone says something to me its kinda like I don't really register/understand/comprehend what they are saying for a few seconds so Ill just say "what". same happens when I see people, its like I know who they are I just dont really register that thats them for a few seconds (im starting to think I have autism)

anyone have any ideas on how I can fix this?

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