Ladies, What’s your favorite Season, and why?

  1. Summer is very special to me — even as an adult, it always feels like vacation. 🖤

  2. Spring and winter 🙂 I hate warm weather and I love the freshness of spring and the crispness and beauty of winter 🙂

  3. I really love the time between seasons, particularly summer and fall, when you can feel the air start to cool. There’s just something exciting about the prospect of fall activities, Halloween, Christmas, cozy sweaters, and winter vacation.

  4. Definitely Autumn. Everything starts to feel more cosy, the trees are more interesting, Christmas is on its way and it means I can start wearing layers again.

  5. The cloudy weather with a gentle breeze . Well I’m there for it ✌️

  6. “I’m so glad to live in a world where there are Octobers.”

    Fall has always and will always be my favorite season. There is just a special spark in the air, so many fun traditions and things to do, it’s not too hot but not too cold yet-gosh it is just perfection. If it could be October 365, I’d be a happy girl.

  7. Spring and autumn

    Summer and winter are deadly and I’ll probably never see them as anything else

  8. I love spring bc of all the baby animals and seeing everyone budding/blooming. Makes me feel so invigorated; plus the weather not too hot not too cold.

  9. My favorite season is fall because I like the cooler and crisp weather. My favorite tradition of this season is to be around my fire pit making s’mores.

  10. Definitely autumn. New England autumn…flannel & wood smoke & the deep colors & scents. The Absolute Best 🍁

  11. fall or spring. It’s not too hot or cold. It’s comfortable enough to wear a sweater, pants, etc. you can even wear a dress. but most importantly, I’m not sweating constantly like in summer. I absolutely HATE summer

  12. Spring, I don’t like heat and spring weather is about just right.
    Autumn, I like coat weather and it’s not too cold like the winter.

  13. Spring. Concert season is around the corner, vegetation is coming back to life, the temps are getting warmer, and the storms. I love storms.

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