Just need some help to stop spirling. I’ve been seeing a guy for around 3 months but we’ve been friends for 2 years. Last three months we’ve been very close, texting all day every day, seeing another every day, dropped the I love you, he recently got a place and on Thursday we talked about moving in together. Things got sketchy last weekend. He invited me over to spend the night but then cancelled on me last minute due to a family issue. Then the same night left me on read. I got weird vibes and it got weirder because we didnt talk at all the following day. I was just left on read. I gave him the benefit of the doubt since it was unusual behaviour from him. This past week, things have been off and he stopped texting me good morning and honestly hasn’t really texted much at all. When I initiated conversation, he seemed distant. Today we were supposed to hang out: he said at 1pm he was ready to go, I said I was out walking but would be home and ready for 2pm, texted him at 2pm saying I was ready and he left me on read. It is now 9pm and despite double texting him and calling him (rang twice and went to voicemail) I haven’t heard a peep. So this guy is clearly sleeping with other women and I just want reassurance from yall before I make up 101 excuses in my mind like he’s having some kind of an emergency or his phone blow up. Please help me stop the spiral.

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