“My bf cheated on me before and now I feel like he’s doing it again. Should I confront him or let it go?”

“I opened my husband’s computer and saw that he has been having an affair. What do I do?”

“Help. I am pregnant but my boyfriend of five years refuses to find a job and plays with his computer all day.”

“I had a fight with my fiancé and he still hasn’t messaged me. Our wedding is in five days. How can I repair this?”

“I am working full time but I’m due to give birth in two weeks.”

“I’m suffering from post partum depression, but my husband says I’m just being dramatic. How do I convince him to understand me?”


Do not get into relationships with men who are not sure about you.

As a general rule, I don’t date men who I wouldn’t want my hypothetical daughter to date.

If you need advice on whether or not you should tolerate a man’s behavior, ask yourself:

“Would I let my daughter date a man who acts like this?”

“What advice would I give my best friend if she was dating this piece of trash?”

Please, please love yourself. Especially if there will be kids involved. One of the greatest gifts you can give your future children is choosing the best father for them.

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