Hi! I'm F26, and in a talking phase with M26. Both never been in a relationship. I never felt romantic love so I don't understand it, I do have crushes but I'm not interested to get close or be in a relationship.

So we met this February, I know his parent and they asked me to try getting to be close with him since he took interest in me and they hope we could get together. And I said sure, like it's not a bad idea to try and maybe it could work. So we went to a couple dates, we're both not the chatty type and a bit introverted so there's really nothing much we talked except our works and family.
Along the way my mom and family urged me to get him to our family gatherings and I said isn't that too fast?? We're not dating and I've only met him for 2 months. And they looked at me weird, saying don't you want to be in a serious relationship in your current age? Because in the country where I live, ppl my age are already thinking about marriage. And I think by that time, that feeling of not wanting to be in a relationship get bigger, I feel anxious and I avoid getting on date with him. I feel like I'm not ready for this I don't want things to progress too fast, I can see he has feeling for me but I feel bad for not feeling the same. I also feel bad since his parent asked me personally. I don't understand why I'm feeling like this, I need advice…

TLDR I F26 still in talking phase with M26 since February, his parent asked me to get close to him, and I still don't have feeling for him. But my fam urged me to be in a serious relationship that led me to realize that I'm not ready for relationship and avoid him. I don't know what to do, need advice..

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