I've been told a few times by women that I'm a "nice guy." That's not a bad thing, IMO, but I believe there is a time when this may not be ideal, to say the least. Some girls have told me that I'm respectful. Maybe they were trying to say that I was too slow at making the moves they expected me to do.

Recently I've been wondering if I should tease girls more, be more upfront about the fact that I would like to fuck them (not make love), that her body is making me horny. Be less careful. I've got a suspicion that this is something girls would enjoy and maybe need to feel horny. I've heard so many girls on Reddit talking about rape fantasies or fantasies of being used or roughly fucked that these hypotheses gained strength in my nice guy little head.

I may have internalized that girls don't want to feel like a man is solely desiring their bodies and wanting to have sex with them, maybe treat them as sexual objects even. Because of that, I may be too careful with them. Usually, my boldest move would be to begin to touch them simply, and when it's obvious, I propose sex.

Now, I know there are plenty of different women in the world, and each one has a preference. Here I'm asking about how women prefer/expect/desire/fantasize that guys act to make them fall on their knees of horniness.

Make an exercise of imagining a guy that brought you to their home. He cooks you dinner and treats you well like a nice guy would. But you both already kissed, talked a lot on other dates, and you a an heterossexual woman that would make good use of a D in that moment. How, in your fantasies, would a man act to lead you to be literally on your knees for him to do whatever he wants with you?

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