I am 16M. I hate school with a burning passion. Despite that, my parents pressure me to keep good grades so I stick within top 2% of my class. I want to be an entrepreneur, and I have a very good idea. I’ve worked out the details: finances, projections, expenses, capital required, etc. My parents don’t want me to be an entrepreneur. Even though my dad was literally an entrepreneur (he works from home (6-7 days a week, 12-16 hours per day).

He entered into the field of consultancy, which if I understand correctly if a very difficult field for small companies to get big, hence his insane working schedule that he’s kept for probably 20 years now.

My entrepreneurship is different because it is a completely novel idea. No competition. Every entrepreneurship video I watch usually says something along the lines that “you probably don’t have a groundbreaking idea…” but i literally do.

Should I go against my parents and risk them being very angry with me, but follow my passion or are they correct in that I should not follow my dreams and get a job?

Sorry I was a little unclear. My parents want me to invest my time studying for standard and school tests, doing extracurriculars and sports in order to go to an exceptional college. They believe that excellent college -> excellent job

However, I want to do great college in good location -> full time entrepreneur with a degree as backup.

I can get into this great college through my current grades and resume**

So after much response, I believe that I should wait. It looks overwhelmingly like I do not really have the experience or wisdom to make this a success. So please give any recommendations or suggestions on what I should do to understand the business world. What I mean is, how does one go about learning how to run a business? There’s literally probably millions of things that I need to consider when giving the business. How do I know what those things are? How do I ground myself and start setting realistic expectations for capital requirements, realistic timelines, etc.?

Please help. Thanks.

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