I got married in a rush at age 24 after 9months of dating. My family was poor and just wanted to go abroad ASAP. My husband told me he was a computer programmer and that he was well-off. I came to live in his country and realized that all the wealth he was talking about was his mom's. He never really worked for a long time. He jumps from 1 job to the other. He has temper problems. His mom gave us some money to start a business which I am the one working hard for. He sits at home and study for exams he said he will take. For almost 8 years, it is like this. However business is not that good. He would borrow money from the bank without me knowing to pay for bills that my earning cannot pay. He refuses to find a part time job. I still do most housechores. I am tired. What should I do?

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