My ex (36m) and I (32f) only dated 4 months. By month 3 we were official. The 3 magic words were never said though. We live abroad (expats in the same country) and we had a very good relation from day one. We went on dates, we had trips together, met eachother's friends. Then one day I found out he was still texting an ex. Since we had a very open communication about things like that (ex reaching out etc) i felt truly betrayed. I ended things there and then in a very civil manner. I reached out a month later to clarify certain unsaid things and we met and he said he felt so ashamed about what he did to me. I was cold and had my guards up during that encounter but he also didnt initiate going back together. I have now (1 month after that encounter) processed things and realized I too did the same with my long term relationship at the beginning of our relationship. I am ready to forgive him but the fact that he never reached out to make himself forgiven holds me back. I really thought i had found the man of my life when I met him… we had a bond that I struggle to think possible to replicate.
How should i reach out? Wouldn't he have reached out if he really wanted to be with me?

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