Sounds outrageous, but hear me out. He rants for hours about his: stupid coworkers and bosses, the state of the world, his opinions on xyz world problems. And when i mean he rants it like for 1-3 hrs a day. He doesn't ask for imput, he just keeps talking to himself, but if i start doing chores or other things while he talks he says i am being disrespectful. There's points in which i fall asleep and he wakes me up, makes a snarky remark and then keeps on going.
If i had all the time in the world to listen sure, but i am going to college part time, work full time, got pets to take care of anf the house. I simply don't have time to spend like that.

I don't want to come accross as disrespectful, but i'm getting tired of it. I find all the talk a waste of time, he just complains everyday over and over for hours and i am too tired to care. When i say my opinion he doesn't like it, but he's very judgemental and opinionated. If anything, he can complain while on the clock, but i am trying really hard to make the house into a positive safe space and his negativity is bringing me down. I am young and have a plathora of medical issues like autoimmune, asthma, high blood pressure, chronic migranes. Those flare up worse when under stress and he hasn't been helping my health. I feel more stress around him complaining than I do at work.

So please give me some advice on how i can make the house into a positive space and tell him to stop complaining about everything?

Thank you!
Edit: I see the irony of this post. I'm at the end of my rope here.

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