My boyfriend (28M) and | (27F) love playing video games, but we usually don't play together. Today was our first time playing Mortal Kombat together and it seems it might be the last. During the match, I decided to look at the moves list to see if I could become a "quality opponent", not just a button masher. I literally only looked at one move, that I couldn't even perform properly during the match!! As luck would have it, I somehow pulled off a few special moves during my nonsensical button mashing and was able to win the first of three rounds. My boyfriend says something along the lines of "that's not fair, you cheated" and proceeds to pull up the moves list for his character. I said "I don't even know how I did that. I couldn't even do the one move I looked at!" clearly still in shock. He very bluntly says "You don't know how to play with men do you." Afterwards the mood in the room just changed. He won the game and I didn't want to play anymore because of his comment. Otherwise, I would have loved to continue.

A few weeks ago, we went to D&B, had a few drinks and decided to play some shooting games. We planned to complete any shooting game that we had decided on, therefore, it would only make sense to have each others back while we were playing. So as the game is progressing, I'm noticing that there's more enemies on his side of the screen than there are on mine and he's a few health bars from being dead. So I killed a few enemies on his side of the screen just to help out. He got upset and told me to stay on my side of the screen. I didn't say anything and just continued playing. As I'm playing, my side of the screen becomes moderately saturated with enemies and he starts to kill enemies on my side of the screen. I don't see a problem with it, as we're playing as teammates. But it made me a little upset that he got mad at me for doing the same thing just a few minutes earlier. He ends up dying because I stopped helping him and he didn't want to use anymore chips on the game.

We’ve only been together for two months and it seems like he has these types of outbursts or negative commentary daily. Today was really the last straw. And I’m seriously considering leaving.

TL;DR Boyfriend keeps getting upset when we play video games together; said "You don't know how to play with men do you". Is this reason to leave?

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