I’m feeling a little defeated. I F 31 have a high sex drive and recently got out of an abusive marriage with very little sex. My boyfriend M 25 and I have been dating for only 4 months and his sex drive isn’t high and is having trouble staying hard / ejaculating when we do have sex. I’ve found out he still watches porn and masturbates frequently which normally I do not mind at all, it’s normal we all do it. It only bothers me because when he’s “in the mood” or is having alone time I’ve found out he’s searching things, looking at porn, etc and simply masturbates instead of coming to me and asking to have sex. He says he finds me really attractive and it’s not me that’s the problem. He’s told me he doesn’t mind if I masturbate and watch porn alone and although sex shouldn’t matter (I don’t think?) what’s the point of us being together it we are just pleasing ourselves. He’s a good guy and caring but it’s really messing with me mentally and emotionally. I’m often in a bad mood or hostile toward him because I’m sexually deprived. It also just pisses me off he’s getting off to other women instead of giving it to me. I’d like to think myself attractive and I just feel I’m wasting my time, I don’t know.

Can someone suggest or recommend what I should do? Am I wasting my time?

TDLR; boyfriend watches porn and masturbates instead of having sex with me. HELP.

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