For context, I’ve been married almost 6 years, 3rd kid arriving when we hit 6 years. My husband barely talks and touches me. I’m the one who initiates. He absolutely doesn’t vent either. If he’s stressed, he plays games and he needs a lot of space to his own. I feel disappointed that he’s not the type of husband who shares stuff with me, or leans in. He feels close enough with me but I don’t. I’m going crazy, in my mind it’s not healthy relationship or is it healthy because he’s introverted? He feels like a roommate. We’ve communicated many times about compromise. He wasn’t like that when we were dating that’s why I find it difficult to buy in to the excuse that his introverted behavior is ok for him and healthy for our relationship. Yet I want to be understanding of his personality and needs. Because can’t be all extreme introverts shouldn’t be in relationship and shouldn’t get married right? How much space for gaming and not touching is giving too much space? I have no idea what’s the normal intimate relationship boundary anymore

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