Does it make sex a bit crap?

Edit – I’m a bit surprised to see the overwhelming majority hate using them. Could it be, as some have suggested, they need a better fit or different brand?

  1. Like listening to something with ear plugs. Sometimes your ears are safer and you hear the loud thing just fine. Other times you can’t hear anything.

  2. If too small they hurt and then they don’t because you don’t feel your dick. And then taking them off is heavenly.

    They feel like an extension of your skin when of the correct size. And they’re very slippery if they come with lube.

    Just in case, if you’re considering not putting on a condom for sex: don’t, protection saves lives and prevents unwanted children. Not worth it.

  3. Honestly, they suck. Sex is supposed to be about physical intimacy, but the part of me that is *supposed* to feel her can’t feel her. After we had our second kid, my wife and I decided we didn’t want anymore children. I got a vasectomy, and it has been the best thing for our sex life.

  4. Using condoms as part of foreplay can be sexy and exciting. You can keep kissing and stimulating each other while getting the condom out, and your partner can put the condom on and add lube. That way, the condom becomes part of the action instead of stopping the action.

  5. Like listing to a really good song with the volume a little low. It’s still the same song and quality but not to the listening levels you prefer. It’s tolerable because the alternative is the possibility of kids and disease

  6. Like going to a concert of your favourite band while wearing noise cancelling headphones.

  7. Like picking up dog shit with gloves on. You know you have shit in your hands, but you don’t freak out

  8. My first orgasim feels the same. After that I can feel the difference. I just HATE putting condoms on

  9. Depends on the condom. Generally, they do reduce some of the more pleasurable sensations. There’s some amazing texture that gets masked by even thin condoms.

    Really cheap ones mask temperature, too. Good ones are worth the investment, but nothing feels as good as going raw.

  10. Condoms feel like a trial version and a beta version of sex mixed into one. You’re technically having sex but there’s a lot that’s missing/ can’t be felt yet.

  11. I honestly hate wearing them. Sex feels so much better when there isn’t a barrier between us.

  12. I don’t know what everyone is talking about, sex with condom is still pretty great, without is obviously better but I think that goes without saying.

  13. I seem to mind them less than most people on here.

    If I am with someone new, I wear them. Always. I am used to it, I don’t dwell on it. Peace of mind is worth more than anything else to me

  14. Like trying to feel a delicately detailed wall with your fingertips while wearing marigolds. Maybe it’s a little better if you smother your marigolds in washing up liquid so that there’s less friction, but you’re still wearing marigolds.

    If you take them off, however, you find out the wall is covered in incurable diseases that will fuck your fingers up if you touch them, and in some cases, you pay a penalty for touching it and that penalty lasts 18 years.

    So you wear the marigolds…

  15. It’s not that bad, yeah it doesn’t feel as good as raw but it’s still pretty damn good and not risking pregnancy or STDs definitely makes up for it. Guys who say they don’t feel anything must have been death gripping their worm while masturbating or something.

  16. I don’t think it like ruins sex but it’s not as good. I guess though it’s like the difference between winning £100 or winning £500. I’d take the 100 over nothing but 500 is much better.

    I see a lot of people post RE how little you feel and I wonder if they are American and as such less likely to be uncut. I’m uncut and my cock is very sensitive so I feel condoms aren’t thst bad.

  17. Feels like paying the govt taxes like you dont want to but if you dont want to go to jail you have to 🤣

  18. Washing your hands with gloves on doesn’t really feel like washing your hands.

  19. My gf hates it. I also prefer without but it’s safe and practical. When she’s on the pill we don’t use condoms. It’s just the best.

  20. Children and diseases are 150% not worth the extra feeling of not using one

  21. I didn’t have any issues with them when I first met my now wife. As long as you make sure you get the one that fit you best. They make different textured, colored, even flavored.

    Your best bet is to buy the smallest boxes you can find of each size, go home and try them on. Find the size that fits best.

    Don’t let discomfort be the reason you get a disease or a woman pregnant.

  22. I haven’t used one since I met my wife. From what I remember it’s like… Think of the best food you’ve ever eaten. Really, remember how amazing it tasted… The texture, temperature.

    Then imagine eating it covered in latex

  23. Imagine you’re thirsty and you *really* want a Coke. Your mouth is dry and your tongue is cracked. You know that anything wet and cold will flood you with relief, but you really just want that sweet, bubbly, sugar rush. You see a glass. It’s filled to the and the sides are condensing. It’s picture perfect, like it’s from a commercial. You lift it up to your mouth and as you tilt your head back, you taste diet RC Cola. It’s… fine. It certainly checks off a lot of your boxes. Your thirst is quenched. Your mouth is no longer dry, but it’s just not *quite* what you wanted. It got the job done, but it could have been so much better.

  24. Nobody ever asks. It’s always “where is the condom?”, and never “how is the condom?”

  25. Better than an std but yeah pretty fucking awful and tbh makes sex kinda suck because well I’m just not going to be able to finish with it on.

  26. Yeah, the sex sucks. Run your hand under water, then run your other hand under the same water but with a latex glove on.

    That being said, condom sex > no sex > STDs or unwanted pregnancy

  27. Condoms can feel different depending on the type and brand, as well as personal preference. Generally, some people find that condoms can slightly reduce sensitivity, but many modern condoms are designed to be thin and comfortable to enhance pleasure while still providing protection. It might take a little bit of getting used to, but many people find that using the right type and size can make a big difference. It’s also worth noting that condoms can provide peace of mind by reducing the risk of sexually transmitted infections and unplanned pregnancies, which can enhance the overall experience.

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