I (M23) recently graduated from university, and during that time, I met this guy (M20) with whom I now have a relationship. Our vibe and connection are so strong that in just two months, my feelings for him have grown massively. There are moments when I find myself obsessing over him. I feel like he’s already the one for me, so it's hard for me to imagine that he might someday leave me. Every day, I find myself seeking reassurance. Compared to me, it seems like he’s more indifferent about whether I stay or go. Even though he says he doesn’t want me to leave, I sense that he could easily move on if we part ways, which I can't do right now. I want him to be my endgame already. I’ve spent enough time fooling around in the past, and I’m tired of that. I can already see him in my future.

Currently, we're in a long-distance relationship because I've returned to my hometown. I'm planning to move closer to him so we can make our relationship work. Being apart from him is tough, and I've cried enough already. But I'm afraid that if I move there, he might end up dumping me if he gets bored or tired of us.

I know this is all due to my overthinking. I'm currently unemployed and living in my hometown, which is uncomfortable for me as an extrovert. I can't seem to find any hobbies, unlike him—he’s very busy every day with school and his passions.

Maybe if I hadn't met him that night, things would be easier. But I love him so much that even though it's scary and makes me anxious, I want to fight for us. I just wish I could be as relaxed and busy as he is.

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