I cant even begin to go over how fucking awful this is, chance wise. I got into a fender bender which resulted in my head smashing against the steering wheel and giving me a black eye. At the time, nobody thought anything. Well, no, I shouldnt say that, apparently my sister and aunt both thought something but didnt say anything.

Anyways, it healed, then 8 months later, I was mugged and assaulted by two women and a man. I was beaten pretty badly, including a black eye and broken nose. My husband was the one who basically saved me, he ran out and they immediately ran away. Cops never caught them, to this day.

But this set off an *INSANE* wave of suspicion towards my husband. Literally the moment I was in the hospital and my aunt and mom saw me, they apparently both talked to each other and agreed it HAD to have been my husband. The chances that I just randomly got two black eyes in one year was just too low. They immediately pushed him aside and confronted me saying that they knew I was in trouble with him, that they wanted me to go live with them… I kept on telling them, no, what happened happened! My husband did not do any of this! The worst part was my husband was in earshot. I told them to please stop harassing me about this, and that that is not true. My sister and aunt said that they thought something was up the first time when I had the black eye.

We come from a pretty small town and there's a LOT of domestic abuse there. Like an unbelievable amount. It feels like every 2-3 months we hear a new case where some drunkard husband is beating on their wife. And the wives deny it and defend their husband most of the time. They only tell the world in the aftermath, but in the aftermaths aftermath, suddenly "oh my husband wouldnt do that!" and they all act like its all good. So I get why my family is acting this way, dont get me wrong.

Its been two weeks. My family still thinks my husband did all that. They keep trying to reach out to me saying how I need to stop lying to myself for his sake, that its fine and I can talk to them… It sucks, because damn! I get it! The chances of me getting these injuries is very low! But my husband is such a sweet guy and it pains me to see him be seen that way. For one, in a fight, I would absolutely beat his ass, not the other way around, and two, he wouldn't ever put a hand on me or anyone in the first place.

I tried to get camera footage from local businesses of the initial car crash. Nothing. Same for the mugging. I contacted multiple businesses nearby, none of them had camera footage which would have shown anything. I keep hoping that maybe the cops will catch those people who mugged us, but its been two weeks now and nothing.

What the hell do I do? My husband went from being beloved by my family to being seen as this monster. I just cant stand it. We used to have so many family events with him and all, and everybody loved him. The idea of them viewing him this way…. even if they are proven wrong? Its still gonna be awful.

TL;DR – – whole family thinks my husband abused me because I got my face injured twice in the span of 8 months.

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