My bf and I are both in our 20s.

My coochie is generally sensitive. I would say my natural sex drive is extremely high to an extent that it is miserable, but I'm on anti-depressants and birth control that lower it. Now, my sex drive is probably sex about every day, sometimes more, sometimes less. I also work a 9-6 in the office. Also, btw, my boyfriend lasts a long time so each session is basically an hour.

My boyfriend has the sex drive I had before medication. He would prefer sex at least 2x a day, and works from home. Honestly, I really hate having sex most mornings. I'm chronically sleep deprived, and am usually grumpy + angry when I wake up.

He isn't pressuring me or anything, but should once a day be enough? How can I do more? At the beginning of our relationship (a few months ago) we had sex like 4x a day, but it wasn't always fun for me, I was always tired/in pain, I just felt like I had to appease him, but as I've gotten more comfortable with him I've settled into every day.

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