I've heard discourse over the years regarding men being upset about women agreeing to dates when they knew they weren't attracted to the man, so I got curious. If a woman asks you out on a date (platonic or intimate), and you're not attracted to her, would you even agree to go?

  1. > If a woman asks you out on a date (platonic or intimate), and you’re not attracted to her, would you even agree to go?


  2. Idk hoping you will be just attracted enough that your dick works?

    I got catfished with MySpace angles back in the day, you know they say real life adds like 60 lbs.. 

    Tried to go through with it, was not a good idea 

  3. Platonic? That’s friends. I have no problem being friends with a woman I don’t find attractive.

  4. Nothing.
    We both deserve to want our partner and be wanted by our partners.

  5. I like a date. Unless I know I actively just don’t like you, yeah, let’s go out and have some fun, and see what happens.

  6. Unless I’m totally turned off by her, I would accept based on the fact she took the effort to initiate. That’s admirable. At the end of the night we can decide if a 2nd date is in order. If not, I’ll just be honest and let her down gently.

  7. You can’t force attraction physically and mentally. If I see a girl and she doesn’t check any of my needs or wants buttons it’s a waste of time even if she’s a great person.

  8. I wouldn’t go. Why lead someone on? It’d actually be cruel I think. I know what I want and if someone doesn’t meet those standards I don’t see the point in wasting mine or her time.

  9. Absolutely not. Sure, what on the inside is what matters but i cant ignore the outside for it. I can get both.

  10. Nope. There has to be some physical attraction to date. You don’t date as platonic friends.

  11. I might agree to go simply to positively reinforce her behavior of approaching men. But I wouldn’t be very flirtatious, just have a good time. But just politely tell her I’m not interested in pursuing anything.

    If I react negatively that could be the last straw that keeps her from approaching men. I want to encourage that.

  12. If it’s platonic it’s not a date, so I’d go, that’s called having a friend.
    Otherwise, no. I wouldn’t want someone to go out with me if they weren’t attracted to me, that’s not gonna feel great for either party.

  13. If it’s a platonic date then essentially it’s just two friends/acquaintances going out for a nice time, so yes. It would be important that they know it’s just a social thing and not a romantic one.

  14. Someone who’s interested in me enough to ask me out who I actually care about is very rare. If I’m not attracted to them, I might agree regardless to try and convince myself to change my own mind, since by that point lack of physical attraction would be just about the only obstacle in being together.

    Also, if it’s platonic, then it’s just a hangout, not a date. Looks and attraction have no reason to factor into it.

  15. I wouldn’t, hopefully.

    But I think your question goes to one of the problems with dating: *”giving someone a chance”* and *”leading someone on”* sound good and bad, respectively, but ultimately are the same.

  16. >If a woman asks you out on a date (platonic or intimate), and you’re not attracted to her, would you even agree to go?

    If it’s platonic, sure. But that’s not really a “date” now, is it? It’s just you hanging out with a friend. Unless me going out with my homies is a date. If so, I’m sure they’ll be thrilled to hear.

    If it’s romantic, then no, never. There needs to be at least *some* attraction.

  17. Cuz… it’s a date 

    I don’t know how to turn down a date. If you find cookies on your desk you eat the cookies 

  18. “Platonic” dates are not a thing. If you ask someone out in a platonic way, y’all just going for a beer.

    But to answer your question, no, I wouldn’t. I don’t see the point of going on a date with someone I’m not attracted to.

  19. While I find a lot of women pretty to look at, I’m not attracted to them until I know them. So unless they give me a good reason not to, I’ll try to find out by agreeing.

  20. If we’re at least friends and we’re doing something I’d also enjoy, I see no reason not to.

    Dates aren’t always romantic, sometimes they are just friends going out having fun. Do it all the time with friends who just want to go out. Still dates.

  21. No, I wouldn’t waste my time or (probably) my money.

    Some women might do this because they might not have to spend money on the date, maybe? Or else they really aren’t about looks. I can’t see any other reason to date someone to whom you are not attracted.

  22. I would go out with her as long as I don’t find her ugly.

    The way my sexuality works, I would not be attracted to her before I get to know her 🤷🏻‍♂️

  23. Yes, because I don’t use physical attraction as a sole decision maker and she could have other cool attributes.

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