How do you know you’re ready to bear and raise a child?

  1. I am not ready to raise a bear’s child. I don’t even think I can raise a human child.

  2. You can never truly be ready. Do you have your finances and mental health in order? Those are the two biggest things

  3. Money and therapy


    If you are financially and mentally sound/you’ve dealt with your childhood trauma, you should be fine

  4. I walked into my 2 year olds room and he was covered in poop asleep in his bed… he had gotten diarrhea in the night and just slept through it I guess…

    I mean are you ready for that in 3 years? Cause if you are then I say go for it.

    The smell… I mean I opened the window and cranked the fan on max for the entire day.

    Poor kids doing better now though, got him back in his diapers.

  5. I realized I’ll never be ready and that motherhood was not a life path I had any interest in going down.

  6. I don’t think that you are ever really ready..I just jumped in feet first. Best thing I ever did

  7. Like other people said, money and therapy.

    You have to understand that you give alll of yourself to your children in the first couple of years. Like your entire existence revolves around another being.
    It starts with pregnancy. There is truly nothing like it, people explain it to you, but you can explain it fully until you experience it. It is the most beautiful thing in the world. But if you don’t fully understand how much of you goes into another thing or if you feel you’re not ready for that, then I feel like being pregnant and having a baby could be extremely overwhelming.

  8. Money, therapy, health, good healthcare access, and community/support network. Those are more or less the key pillars. Without it, you’re looking at a difficult and potentially even dangerous road.

  9. I waited until I actually really wanted to do it and had the money to be able to take some time off work and a husband to help with all of it.

    That’s what I needed.

    I never wanted a kid at all until 35. There are definitely days I regret it but the fact *I absolutely chose this and wanted it* makes it easier to STFU and do what I have to do.

    I’ve been through a lot of shit but having a kid and no support system other than my husband is the hardest in the world. It has nearly broken me.

    He’s only 4. I’m just not the kind of person that was “born to be a mom” and I also want to maintain a lot of myself. That’s one of the hardest parts about having a kid.

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