With Christmas upon us it means there might be a lot of extra dirty dishes for people hosting a Christmas party. (If Corona-restrictions is not putting a stop to that in your area). So the thought came up about dish cleaning.

  1. We have no dishwasher, mainly because it would be near impossible to install one in our kitchen. We would need to get rid of the sink, which means we need to walk across the hallway just so we can wash our hands when working in the kitchen. So we wash by hand

  2. I have a dishwasher that I use primarily. It’s a compact one, so it won’t fit some of the bigger items, like my wok. I wash that by hand.

    And if it gets full and there’s still some leftover dishes, I’ll usually wash those by hand too, just to avoid the clutter in the sink/on the counter. Because dirty dishes really bother me.

  3. We have a dishwasher and use it for practically everything, but some things aren’t dishwasher safe so we’ll wash then by hand

  4. My family has had a dishwasher as long as I can remember, but I live alone in quite a small apartment and I don’t have one. I don’t have enough space in my kitchen and I don’t use that many dishes so I’m ok with washing by hand for now.

  5. I have a dishwasher and for me it’s the most important appliance in my entire house.

    I absolutely hate washing dishes so everything goes in the dishwasher – nothing is done by hand.

    I’d rather empty the dishwasher 100 times than wash a single plate by hand. lol.

    Merry Christmas to all!

  6. Having a dishwasher is pretty normal, unless you live in a rather small apartment and/or in low income.

    Kitchen Appliances besides a sink aren’t part of any (normal) apartment-for-rent, so you’d have to being your own. So low income households might not have one either.

  7. None of my homes in the last 25 years have had a dishwasher. My current kitchen wouldn’t even have room for one, the dishwasher space is occupied by a washing machine.

  8. I’ve lived most of my adult life without a dishwasher, I only got one five years ago and I love it. I use it for most dishes, only frying pans and fragile or vintage dishes are washed by hand.

  9. We have a dish machine , and whatever does not fit inside it or cannot be washed in it because of some reason is systematically referred to as “no, don’t take that one , it won’t fit in the dish machine, and it’s a pain to wash. Why did we even buy that by that way ?”

  10. My dishwasher was one of the first “luxury” divices I got when I moved to my own flat. I wouldn’t miss it.

  11. Don’t have one, seems like a waste of money since I live alone and usually can get it done in 2 minutes by hand

  12. It’s just the two of us, so we decided to just do it by hand. If we would get one, we would still do glasses and any painted cups by hand, because we don’t want that blasted look that they get if you dishwasher them. For instance, at work we have one but we all clean our own favorite cup for this reason.

  13. I have one. I use it for most dishes, although some things I wash by hand, like pans, my favourite mugs and my coffee maker.

  14. I don’t have a dishwasher, I wash all my dishes by hand. I don’t mind, I find it quite relaxing. I know that’s weird!

  15. We are only two people.

    We don’t have a dishwasher,we wash everything by hand.I quite enjoy it to be honest! Apart from the oily or greasy pots.

  16. I could not live without one anymore.

    I put everything in the dishwasher except : pans, wooden spatulas and the cooking knives. All the rest goes in the dishwasher. It uses less water than by hand and the result is always perfect

  17. We have a dishwasher. It is called me. I come with a lifetime guarantee and I am very eco-friendly and get the dishes very clean. Speaking of eco-friendly technology, I always use one of those low energy hairdryers. It is called a towel.

  18. I have a dishwasher, but I live alone and just don’t have enough dishes to justify using it, so I rarely use it. Perhaps I’m just conservative and not used to it.

  19. No one has dishwashers in my home country. When I moved to Spain I had a dishwasher in my rental apartment and barely used it; I feel it only works on the dishes that are easy to clean by hand anyways (glasses, dishes, cutlery), and I still need to wash pots and pans by hand, which are by far the most annoying. So, I bought a house and I’m remodeling the kitchen and not installing one (but leaving space for it in case we sell/I change my mind).

  20. We have a dishwasher but still clean some dishes by hand since not everything fits in the dishwasher

  21. We have a dishwasher, but there are some items that need to be hand washed – cast iron stuff, certain baking pans, kitchen knives, etc.

  22. Our dishwasher broke a few years ago, but my parents haven’t replaced it because they’re constantly having vague plans about getting a whole new kitchen, so it’s been cleaning by hand for a while

  23. Everywhere I have lived I have had a dishwashing machine. But honestly, I haven’t used one in my life. I don’t see the need really.

  24. All by hand. Unless you have a very large family, dishwashers are a total waste of money. Even if you have a large family, washing dishes by hand isn’t exactly difficult.

    I’ve never had a dishwasher and never will

  25. No, we never had. Our kitchen is small and don’t mind doing the dishes by hand. My mom had one but didn’t replace it when it broke down. Same for my in-laws.

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