Am I overreacting?

So we have been friends for about seven years. We met at college and I always thought she was this wonderful person who I always looked up to. I was even her maid of honor in her wedding two months ago and we always considered each other "best friends."

Just always seemed like a superficial level. And she has always shown a preference towards male friends. We used to hang out every Sunday years ago until she became friends with her now husband's roommate. Then she'd choose her company over mine. Even when we'd go out with a group, she'd linger towards the male friends. She never had a lot of female friends I always noticed. I would shrug it off and told myself she just preferred male friends. I remember asking her out to plans a week in advance and she didn't answer until the night of an HOUR before they were supposed to take place.

One year ago I was in a relationship with a man who kept breaking his promises to me and lying to me. I came to her crying many times in pain because of it. She would tell me it was my fault that he lied. This man was a complete narcissist by the way and I'm glad to be free from him finally. But she always made me feel like it was my fault I was treated this way so I felt like I should stay with him longer than I would have normally. Not putting blame on her but when your "best friend" confides in you and comes to you crying over a man she is with again and again and you tell her it's her fault and that he "cares so much about you" it definitely played a role as into why I stayed as long, even said yes to an engagement. I tried to leave him several times but she talked me out of it.

One night I was crying so much because he was caught in more lies and she and her husband even OFFERED him a place to stay. This man they only met a few times. Telling me "he cares so much" about me while I was literally in pain from how much he hurt me again. Then offered him to stay at their apartment during an argument.

The last time I was with her was for a concert and her husband and his friends joined us. Along with one of our other girl friends we met through college years ago and her husband who came to town just for the show. I had this weird feeling in my stomach when I met with her. The same bad feeling I'd get in my stomach with that ex of mine. And then the next day, she went out on a double date with her husband and our other girl friend and her husband. Even though a week prior, we discussed us all going out for breakfast the morning after the concert. Last time the one girl was in town, we all went together but I wasn't single then. The positive of me says she didn't want me to feel awkward and fifth wheel but the other part of me says we talked about it and she ditched me. I didn't even know until I saw their story out at breakfast. If anything, their husbands could have went out together and then us girls could have went together.

Anyway, I have this feeling where I don't want to spend anymore time with her. I started seeing a therapist after that engagement ended because he was manipulative, gaslit me, etc. And my therapist doesn't even like this friend of mine. In summary, she chose other male friends over me. She chose to defend my lying ex over me. She chose to ditch me because I'm single now. I have a habit of overlooking things due to my low self-esteem and staying longer than I should. So is it time to end the "friendship"? I feel like I have been betrayed.

TL;DR I don't think my friend hasn't really been a true friend. Is it time to leave the friendship or am I overreacting ?

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