After therapy today I realized I was quite happy without pursuing any friendships or any relationships in my life right now. I am completely comfortable just dating, having fun with my dates and hopefully having sex with some of my dates.

The issue I have though is that I live with my parents. I realize for many women this is a bit of a hangup. I guess this question is mostly for women (but men are more than free to answer and any and all responses will be appreciated). My question is when might be the best time to tell someone I am dating that I live with my parents? Is this something I should reveal on a first date? Or should I give it several dates and see how things are going before I let her know?

For context I am just looking to casually date and have fun with the people I am dating. I am not looking for anything serious. I am totally fine being completely upfront with this aspect as well. If anyone is also curious, I am 37 male and live in the mid-Atlantic region of the US. So, I am certainly past the age where it is to be expected or there is a strong likelihood of me still living with my parents.

Thank you all so much.

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