I met a girl last year at a family gathering (out of state) who I liked instantly book she was in a relationship then. We’ve had some friendly contact but nothing much and we’ve made rough plans for when I’m ever in town (we’re in different states) but I’ve always interpreted that as her being friendly.

About 2-3 months ago, she started sending me reels that she said reminded her of me and I would react/respond and we’d have a few lines of text before leaving on a reaction, etc. It gradually increased in frequency (pretty much her taking the lead bc I didn’t know she and her ex broke up) and we’ve gotten to where we are now, which is talking every day and sending each other reels and talking about random stuff.

We’ve been texting every day for about a month. She’s always pretty quick to respond and is pretty enthusiastic. When I feel like she isn’t sounding so enthusiastic, I’ll tailor my responses to where she could be totally good to end the conversation and react to my message to give her some space as well. This is kind of my way of making sure she doesn’t feel like she needs to keep the conversation going just to be nice or that she’d be rude to end the convo. But whenever I do this, she starts a new conversation or sends me a new reel. We’re in different time zones too so the conversation ends when I fall asleep and I’ll respond to her when I wake up, then she’ll respond when she wakes up etc. it’s been like this for about a month. She overshares about things in her life that either aren’t totally relevant in the conversation or things I didn’t ask about.

Does any of this mean anything or am I being every guy and overthinking that she’s interested? Scared that she’s just bored or that she’s just trying to be polite. But from my experiences with girls who weren’t that interested, they’d end the conversation when they could because no one has time to be chatting with someone else every single day for no reason. I really like her and I have since I met her and I was really bummed out that she was already taken when I met her so this is really exciting for me. It’s also extra difficult to gauge any of this with in person standards because we’ve only been texting and this would be a LDR. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

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