I (38M) met this girl (37F) online around 2 months ago. We didn’t realize it at first but we actually live about a 4 hour flight apart.

In any case we started chatting and the conversations ramped up pretty quickly (both text and voice). To the point where we had pages long text threads over the course of a day.

We have plans to meet in person in a week-ish (her flying to see me) when she all of a sudden said she’s getting too attached to me and wants to stop texting until we meet in person and see how that goes (she seemed to struggle with this but thought it was what she needed).

Any idea how to interpret this? Sounds like she’s scared of getting too close and then getting hurt if it doesn’t work out in person and maybe I should just let it go and wait up till we meet in person but also sucks to just stop texting cold like that.

  1. Sounds like you’re being a bit needy/ desperate and she wants to make sure you’re not just a love bomber.

    Like “oh my god i can’t believe we’re only 4 hours FLIGHT apart”. Dude there are millions of people within that radius from where you live. The desperation level is 9999. Take a chill pill. Go meet women closer to where you live

  2. sounds pretty healthy. she probably doesn’t want to put you on a pedestal and get her hopes up for something that may not be as interpreted over text. the fact that she did that and still wants to meet sounds positive to me. reminder that just because you’re texting a lot, doesn’t mean you’re communicating

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