Hi all i’m actually really stuck on what to do here and could use some advice on what other people would do / what I should do. I F/19 and my recent ex M/20 were together for two and a half years until we broke up more or less mutually a few months ago. He initiated the break up saying he needed to spend some time alone to deal with some pretty intense mental health issues that he felt needed dealing with alone – the last few months of our relationship were quite rocky, a lot of arguments and some poor treatment on his part (maybe due to these issues he was having – not excusing poor treatment on mental health issues). We split up a few months ago and i’ve gotten through the worst of it and i’m doing well on my own, but he got in contact this week and asked if i’d consider trying again as he still has feelings for me and doesn’t want to throw away the years we spent together. He’s started getting adequate professional help with his mental health and says he’s on the road to being much better. I’m really considering it as i believe the issues we faced that led to the break up are fixable with effort on both sides, but i’m worried that maybe i’m making a mistake. Should i entertain it and try and gauge if circumstances have changed or should i just leave it in the past?

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