I (28f) been talking to a guy (34m) for a month, we’ve been on one date already and will be going on another this Thursday. I think this definitely has a future and we’ve already made tentative plans for certain things like gigs and stuff.

The problem I have is that I’m really close friends with my ex bf (32m). There is 100% no feelings for him other than friendship on my side. The relationship was an LDR and we only met once in person but talked every day for the 2 years we were together. I still talk to him practically every day but we split up almost 2 years ago.

I was a real dick when we broke up because I did it at the absolute worst time for him, but I’d hit a breaking point in my own life and mental health, and felt like I couldn’t support him without taking more stress on. We didn’t talk for a while but we eventually resolved our differences and it’s like we never changed. It made me realise that our entire relationship was more like a friendship. It was in-balanced too because he’s unable to work due to medical issues, and I’m full-time working and constantly going out. I felt like there was no future there because he had no drive.

However, we’re still really close friends and I don’t know how to tell him that I’m moving on, romantically. Any ideas?

(Sorry for the ramble, I’ve got ADHD. Also this is my burner account for watching 🌶️ things)

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