Girlfriend of 6 years said she deserves "a better boyfriend" in a fight. I'm hurt and I'd like to make it work but she's already said it before and I'm not sure I can take hearing it again.

A few days ago my (25M) girlfriend (25F) of 6 years got stranded in the office because of hurricane-level heavy rains.

She messaged me expressing her frustration as she was tired from a long day at work and couldn't get an Uber home no matter how long she tried. I don't have a car and so I felt that I couldn't realistically help with her situation, and advised her to stay put and rest for the time being (they had sleeping quarters in the office) and possibly eat first before trying again (they had a cafeteria inside the office and restaurants outside).

After this she went radio silent. I got a message from my card indicating that an Uber charge was made after an hour, so I assumed she finally got an Uber and would be riding home soon. Another hour after, her mom calls me asking if I knew where she was (we still live with our parents). I gave her mom all the information I could, and tried calling and texting her multiple times, without answer.

Another hour passes, at about 21.30, I receive a message from her on Instagram, and immediately try to call her. She still doesn't answer, but her mom lets me know that she's finally home, that she walked 5.5 kilometers (3.3 miles) to go home. I texted my girlfriend after that, apologizing for not being able to help her more during the ordeal.

Morning comes and she still hasn't sent any reply, but has sent unrelated reels on Instagram. At this point I'm angry, and I text her that I'm going to give her space and that I'll be available to talk again by Monday. To my surprise she sends a reply – saying that she was scared and desperate and I wasn't there for her, hence the silent treatment. We get into a full-blown right after that, amounting to me calling her behavior a tantrum. She then curses me out for the first time in our relationship, to which I reply that she is acting like a child.

She then replies that she deserves better. A better boyfriend. Apart from the shock of being cursed out, seeing this from her was really painful, especially as we already had previous fights where she implied that she has options.

I love her so much and I want to be with her but I also feel like saying this to your SO is a heavy thing and shouldn't be said lightly. How do I get past this?

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