i (21f) have been seeing this guy (23m) for about 6 months now. he’s one of my favorite people i’ve ever been with, we get along great. it’s pretty standard of him to have a few drinks after work. sometimes he has a little too much, but the most he usually does after that is fall asleep.

last night he came over after work with 2 small bottles of vodka & downed them both pretty quickly. afterwards we showered, smoked, talked for a bit, got into bed & played some video games, overall had a pretty good night. at one point i noticed him starting to drift off & i was starting to get tired as well by that point so i decided to try and sleep too.

i woke up about an hour later to the sound of him peeing. i sat up and sure enough, i see him illuminated by the tv light, peeing all over my standing lamp. i sit up, obviously confused & still half asleep, ask him multiple times what he’s doing to which he doesn’t respond. after he’s done he plops right back down into the bed.

i’m fully awake and upset by this point, and am still trying to wake him up to no avail. eventually he regained enough consciousness to go and pass out on the living room couch. i spent the next half hour cleaning his mess, this lamp also had shelves which were full of my belongings including a piece of art i made of my recently passed cat that took me hours. everything was soaked and i had to throw it out, including the art.

i woke up again at 6am to him in bed with me again cuddling me. he was awake too so i confronted him then, not majorly, more like a “hey so that was fucked up” type way, he was confused and had no recollection, i explained what happened, he agreed that he messed up and then he went home. i texted him afterwards about how the situation upset me and he responded that he thinks he should “leave me alone” now & is asking me to gather his things for him to come pick up after work.

i really don’t know how to feel about this at all. i really like him a lot and it hurts to think about losing him, but this is a lot to process. is this just a mistake or a sign of a bigger problem? where do i go from here?

tl;dr – guy i like drank too much, peed in my room, ruined sentimental belongings, unsure how to proceed.

EDIT: “2 small bottles” to be specific was 1 half pint of vodka & a mixed vodka/juice drink around the same size.

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