
My friend is moving today, and I want to send her a lil 'safe travels' text. However, I'm afraid that I'll come off as annoying if I do. We've already interacted a bunch over the past week. This friend and I aren't overly close, but we've known each other for about a decade. For context, she's driving to her new place, not flying, so the trip will take the whole day and a large part of tomorrow.

For more context, I sent her a pretty final sounding goodbye text last week, with the implication that we would never cross paths again. However, she responded and ended her message with "we'll keep in touch!" which on one hand, I'm thrilled about because she means a lot to me, but at the same time, I'm terrified because I suck at long-distance anything (friendships, relationships, etc.) and I'm afraid I'll let her down.

Anyways, I posted something on my instagram story this past Saturday, to which she replied to it. I texted her back and am still waiting a response. Since my friend is moving, I don't mind waiting since she's got a lot on her plate, and she probably wants to wait until she's in a.more stable situation before replying. However, I also made an unrelated post about my weekend on Sunday, and she liked it but still didn't reply to my text (again, she's really busy so I'm not too bothered by her lack of response).

I'm wondering if wishing her safe travels is too much? I mean, it's been a few days since we've interacted, whether it be directly or indirectly. Part of me is pushing me to say something, but at the same time, my aniexty about overwhelming or annoying her is holding me back. If I do reach out, I'd say something like "Hey, I almost forgot to wish you safe travels! Hope the rest of the trip goes smoothly :)"

Would it be too much to reach out?

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